Month: April 2016

Passion versus Effort

Okay guys and gals, do a thing with me:

First off get yourself into a positive mindset or at least a peaceful one – burn candles, meditate, dance to your favorite song, sing along to your favorite song, play a round of a game you like, look at motivational pictures – whatever it is that cheers you up do it.

Look back at some of the things you have done so far in your life. Now, answer some of these questions for yourself:

  1. Which activities made you feel the happiest?
  2. During which events did you feel fulfilled?
  3. Which did you put the most effort towards?
  4. Are you spending a good amount of time and effort doing those things? Why or why not?

I find equal amounts of blogs telling you to pursue your passion or to just work hard and follow your effort good things will come from that.  I don’t think this is that black and white.

If you’ve gotten a taste of success pursuing a field you prefer to put more time and effort into, actually made money doing it, but you can’t yet get off the ground to at least fly at low altitude with it, this is frustrating as heck.

There are a lot of younger people getting to chase down the things they like spending a lot of time on (cooking, making videos, art, training animals). I have also noticed that a lot of those kids – not all of them – do not have to worry about paying bills on top of breaking into their field. I’ve even heard Concept Cookie/CG Cookie‘s Tim Von Rueden say during a stream that it’s harder to get into a field when you get older. Now, Tim has  a great teaching style and runs fantastic improvement workshops. Not only is he good at it it was something unexpected he came into and you can tell he loves doing it. Back on point: although I agree it can be harder the way he phrased it (possibly unintentionally) made it sound like if you haven’t already chosen the field when you are younger it’s not as worth it when you get older.

Woah, hold up.

Let me tell you something – Harrison Ford broke into fame when he stared as Han Solo (and later Indiana Jones) when he was 35.

35, people.

Richard Armitage built bookcases and laid flooring well into his 20s between acting and theater jobs to make ends meet.

If you are balancing paying bills and putting more time and effort into a differing preferred field that has to cheer you up at least a little.

The main thing I agree with in the whole passion versus effort debate is this: time.

When you spend a lot of time on something you become good at it. When you put in that extra amount of effort to excel and step out of your comfort zone you’re pushing boundaries which builds the passion for it. Along with Kate McKeon (founder of Prepwise) I agree you should be prepared to feel out of your element for between a few months to two years. Focus on your good habits and believe you are strong enough to get through this transition period in your life.

You can do this on your own will power. I believe you can do it.

So, what’s the short answer?

You can do anything you want for a living you just have to be willing to work hard putting in the time and effort.

Welcome to the April/May Raffle: Meet My OCs!

~click the linked image~
~click the linked image~

Not my OCs though, yours! This month’s raffle is all about celebrating your creations, introducing their world, and welcoming a whole new avenue for inspiration! You may also meet some people whose interaction with you and your worlds could inspire you to finally start the story you always wanted to write – or to finish the last chapter before you fix up the manuscript and send it to an editor then publisher. You’ll probably also find lots of people to talk to and develop your OC – some of my best friends here on dA I became friend with discussing our OCs.

So, how do you participate in this raffle? Simple, simply participate in a meme whether by illustration or writing some short scenes. It has to be a new meme – as in created after today’s date.

Want to get more entries? Interact with your peers. Look through the entries and interact with the OCs; find some characters that interest you or that you are curious about and talk to the creator about them – ask questions and share about your character.

I’ll be doing some memes this month [both written and illustration] which will hopefully inspire you. See mine below:

***feel free to adapt any illustration meme to a written/journal meme and vice versa***

Try to link back to the original meme creators, after all, we wouldn’t be here without them!



How to Participate:

You don’t have to have a deviantArt account to participate (though it certainly makes tracking your comments and entries a tad easier) – feel free to out-link me if you still want to participate!

Illustrated or write answers to one of the OC memes linked below. This will get you one entry (no matter if you do a single meme or an entry with a partner). Make sure to tag me or send me a link so I can see it then I’ll note you your first raffle number!

You only get one entry for completing a meme but you are welcome to do more than one or make friends and do a double – I love learning about your characters!!

**written memes can be done either by telling me what your character would do (like my examples above) or write a short dialogue or scene (try to keep it under 300 words). Remember you want a snapshot of your characters to entice readers~


How to Earn Additional Entries:

Once you complete your meme go here [link coming soon] to view the current entries and interact. You must comment more than a, “cool character” or “tell me about [insert character]” – read the meme, learn something about the character, and ask something more specific like “what is [Jon]’s favorite thing about winter?” or “why did [Jacqueline] stop being friends with [Ash] when they were seventeen?” etc.

For each different participant’s meme you comment on you’ll get another entry.



Will be announced soon!

Two possible winners – THREE if a certain entry amount is met [TBD]



May XX, 2016 (coming soon)



May xx, 2016 [date TBD] during a live stream, just like the last one.


Memes – Single (feel free to use these for either illustration or writing):

— there are short and long memes available

*no tagging necessary*


Memes – Partner (want to do this with a friend? one double meme will count for one entry each for both of you):

— there are short and long memes available

— discussion while completing the memes are permitted unless it is a surprise picture!

*no tagging necessary*

Any questions or anything unclear please let me know and remember – have fun!!